Why it’s cool to get the blues before dark on safari In our regular run through of photo tips we look at photographing in the blue hour to add drama to your images. The golden hour has lots of column...
Do and don’ts of photographing from a safari vehicle In our latest concise guides we look at good habits when photographing from a game drive vehicle. If you want to get the best shots from a photo safari you need...
With our trips to Zimanga sadly postponed to next year, we asked Charl Senekal, the man behind the reserve’s unique photographic opportunities, to give us an update on what’s been happening in our absence. Hi to everyone from the southern...
Isolate subjects better with this framing trick In the next of our fast-track guides to getting better pictures on safari we show you a simple way to beef up compositions. With so many wonderful wildlife images out there how do...
Setting up your camera for more efficient focusing In our latest concise guide we look at how separating focus and shutter release functions could help improve your safari photography. If you’re not already using back button focus, then separating the...
Capturing wildlife in motion with panning shots In our latest concise guide to improving your safari photography we look at creating dynamic action shots with panning techniques. Lowering your ISO and closing down the camera aperture might seem strange advice...
Protecting your images when on safari In the latest of our concise guides to improving your safari photography we look at how to organise a back-up workflow to safeguard your shots. Working out what camera kit to take on safari...
Photographing wildlife at water Continuing our quick-fire guides to wildlife photography on safari we show you how to get great reflection pictures. Water and wildlife – it’s a winning combination.  A life-force and magnet for subjects, water reliably provides both...
Photographing large birds of prey in flight Continuing our new series of concise guides to better safari photography we look at capturing dynamic flight shots of large raptors. Africa’s abundance and variety of birds of prey never ceases to amaze...
Achieving instant impact with wildlife silhouettes In the first of a new series of bite-size guides to improving your safari photography we look at how to capture animal silhouettes. If you’re looking for instant impact with your wildlife images, then...