Posts filed under: safari


In a dry land rubbled with stones, the starved fingers of thornbushes point the way to a secret that slices through the barren wilderness like a scar. Leopard river. The place is guarded by mighty Mashatu trees, gnarled sentinels with...
Dark galaxies spinning, an impressionist painter’s palette, green soup seasoned with Himalayan salt plus swirls of cream, pink sprinkles across a frosted cake, a mad chart-maker’s take on exotic new territories… this is how you constantly compute the changing vistas...
Not all tall stories are fake news. A case in point – our second visit to Zimanga in 2024 – when the world’s tallest land mammal gifted our guests with some singular photographic moments. Stand-out had to be the emotional,...
The river keeps a rhythm. We bend to its beat. Each day at sunrise we head out on our adapted photo boat – a bundled row of excited photographers; senses sharpened by the chill crispness and muted palette of a...
One thirty in the morning. Rubbing the eyes. Mind drifting from the task in hand. Must keep watching. Drifting off again. What’s that? A ghost. A white shadow-creature on all fours appears in the gloom just beyond the light. What...