Posts filed under: Mashatu


In a dry land rubbled with stones, the starved fingers of thornbushes point the way to a secret that slices through the barren wilderness like a scar. Leopard river. The place is guarded by mighty Mashatu trees, gnarled sentinels with...
It was great to be back on Mashatu. Our first afternoon underlined exactly why the place is so special, especially in the company of a camera and a small band of like-minded travellers. Two leopard sightings provided a taster of...
Driving the Majale riverbed and the open spaces of this southern Botswana reserve’s scenic plains, past scrubby thickets of low mopani and yellow-blossomed rhigozum, scouring the muscular and tentacled branches of the giant Mashatu trees, our visit to Mashatu last...
Do you need to pack a wide angle lens for safari, and if so, how wide? We’re often asked about wide angle lenses by guests when they’re booking a safari trip with us. Here’s what we’d generally recommend. Most experienced...
The A-listers, the headliners, the bucketlisters and the wishlisters, the iconic, the classic, the must-sees and the Big Five. There’s no doubting the magnetism of Africa’s celebrity species. But sexy as they are these superstars are by no means the...
Do and don’ts of photographing from a safari vehicle In our latest concise guides we look at good habits when photographing from a game drive vehicle. If you want to get the best shots from a photo safari you need...
A leopard in a Mashatu tree. These majestic trees, aka Nyalaberry trees, are prolific in Botswana’s Northern Tuli reserve, and give their name to Mashatu game reserve, part of Northern Tuli. The trees have become known as Mashatu trees because...