Posts filed under: Kenya


Dark galaxies spinning, an impressionist painter’s palette, green soup seasoned with Himalayan salt plus swirls of cream, pink sprinkles across a frosted cake, a mad chart-maker’s take on exotic new territories… this is how you constantly compute the changing vistas...
Ghosts dance at the edge of the darkness. See them?  Shape-shifting spirits smokily forming and reforming. Dream creatures vanishing and reappearing as you trace their rhythms in and out of the deep black nowhere with your camera. See them? A...
It’s always a good sign when the giants come out to play. So when the thick fingers of cloud across the face of Kilimanjaro unfurled to reveal Kibo’s powerful, snowy-white head and Amboseli’s biggest and most famous tusker Craig bull-dozed...
Getting off to a roaring start is always a win. And this was certainly up there. Just an hour or two after landing in Botswana we were pointing our cameras at a pride of 11 lions feeding on a buffalo...
The A-listers, the headliners, the bucketlisters and the wishlisters, the iconic, the classic, the must-sees and the Big Five. There’s no doubting the magnetism of Africa’s celebrity species. But sexy as they are these superstars are by no means the...